這陣子想買 [美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
[美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
[美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
[美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
20130618s_Turtle BeachEar Force PX22

Product Details | ? |
ASIN | ?B00BDS415I |
Item Weight | ?8.2 ounces |
Media | ?Accessory |
Release Date | ?April 30, 2013 |
Turtle Beach Ear Force PX22 - Amplified Universal Gaming Headset
Built on over 35 years of Turtle Beach audio expertise and designed with the pros at Major League Gaming, the PX22 isn't your typical gaming headset. Totally immerse yourself and focus on the task at hand with the Ear Force PX22. As an official headset of Major League Gaming, this amplified stereo headset is sure to take your play to another level with awesome Turtle Beach sound and comfort for hours of play. Plus, it’ll work with virtually anything you throw at it: from PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 to PC and Mac, From PS Vita to tablets and more. It’s time to play with the same gear that the pros use to compete. Hear Everything. Defeat Everyone.
Ground-Breaking Innova台灣樂天tion
We all know how important game sound is in any game you play. Imagine how immersed and focused on the game you will feel when you are able to change the bass and treble of the game's soundtrack to your individual liking. That’s right, the Ear Force PX22 offers adjustable bass and treble boost to add depth and realism to your gaming adventures.
Technological Superiority
With the Ear Force PX22 you will not have to worry about buying or replacing batteries anymore. Plus no need to think about an AC Adapter. The Ear Force PX22 is completely powered by USB. Now there's no need to ever stopping playing because of power, we've taken care of that one for you.
Exceptional Comfort
You'll also enjoy unsurpassed comfort during extended game play thanks to the large, ear cups, and breathable mesh cushions. Now you can have the maximum in comfort. You’ll lose yourself in this combination of high tech gear wrapped in supreme comfort when day turn to night unnoticed as the gaming hours fly by.
The Ear Force PX22 is the ultimate universal headset. You can use it for game sound and chat on all the major consoles, PS3, Xbox 360, plus game online on your PC or Mac and plug into any of your mobile devices. Whether you have a portable gaming device like the PS Vita, a tablet, smartphone, or even digital music player, you can connect with the Ear Force PX22. You can even take calls during your game or replace the game soundtrack with your own device's playlist. The PX22 offers the definitive audio environment for playing popular game titles on all platforms.
The Turtle Beach Audio Advantage
Are you tired of missing what your friends are saying when game volume goes up or you just heard a blast? Dynamic Chat Boost automatically increases chat volume as the game volumes gets louder. Now you can hear your friends even over the explosion so you won’t miss a thing.

[美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
[美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
[美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
[美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
[美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
[美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
[美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
[美國代購] Turtle 遊戲耳機 BeachEar Force PX22 Amplified Universal Gaming Headset $3497
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